Originally Posted by G4M3Ov3r
I think Raven's Roleplay has a radar just like that, but, oh well.
Nop. Didn't copy it from Raven's Roleplay game mode, matter a fact, didn't even know that game mode has something like this. I searched these forums before I started writing, just to make sure there are no similar filterscripts.
I also made this because I saw one suggestion on the forum of the server I play on that they would like to see something like this.
Originally Posted by IceCube!
One question - I swear ive seen this before are you sure YOU created it or was it ripped?
As I was saying to G4M3Ov3r, I wasn't aware that any other gamemodes, filterscripts had something like this. Fully written by me, nothing was copy/pasted.
Thanks for positive replies everyone!