Drag Command

((Copied from double thread)) Well... i need a basic way to make it so that it GetPlayerPos's my position, then sets the giveplayerid's position slightly a little behind my character. Can someone show me a simple example? Thats all im asking, since i'm a Basic Scripter.

Messages In This Thread
Drag Command - by Kindred - 31.08.2011, 20:27
Re: Drag Command - by Jafet_Macario - 31.08.2011, 20:54
Re: Drag Command - by Kindred - 01.09.2011, 06:05
Re: Drag Command - by =WoR=Varth - 01.09.2011, 06:09
Re: Drag Command - by Kindred - 01.09.2011, 06:17
Re: Drag Command - by =WoR=Varth - 01.09.2011, 06:19
Re: Drag Command - by Kindred - 01.09.2011, 06:36
Re: Drag Command - by gunjand1 - 04.09.2013, 04:15
Re: Drag Command - by Crissand - 02.04.2014, 18:57
Re: Drag Command - by Abagail - 02.04.2014, 19:48

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