30.08.2011, 11:58
None of you know what you are talking about. No one said your server will get more players with vBulletin, but it does maintain a good status. vBulletin itself is by far the greatest forum software, regardless of what you think, it is the best and I'm not going by opinions, I'm going by statistics. vBulletin offer WAY more features than any other management software. Those of you that are saying phpBB this and that, it has to be by far the worst in my opinion. SMF and MyBB themselves offer more features than that simple thing you call a forum. Those of you which dislike vBulletin, can't afford it. Simple as that. If it was free, you would be wrapped around it.
vBulletin > MyBB > SMF > Other Forum Softwares > phpBB |
Anyways, you don't seem to know anything about CMS.
Yet you start acting like you would.