Hosting company VS VPS/Dedi VS Home hosted

Originally Posted by TheBetaFox
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Uh, 'home hosting' doesn't necessarily mean bad connection, problems with ping for foreign players or dynamic IPs (plus, changing IP shouldn't be listed as a con - you can always fix that with a no-ip hostname).
'VPS/Dedi' doesn't necessarily mean Linux. (My personal one has Windows Server 2003 ~ shut up, not my choice)
If all of them have, for example, 'high uptime', then you shouldn't list it as a good point because <they all have it in the first place>.
Also, you can very well get DDoSed on a VPS/Dedi and on Home Hosting too. Can happen to anyone, so it isn't a valid con.

There are also countless spelling mistakes (sorry to say, just adding to the list).
Windows should be banned for use on servers! In regards to your last point, you ae less likely to get DDoS'd as you are not sharing the exect same IP with other people.

I was referring to uptime guarantees, most SA-MP hosting services don't refund you for downtime.

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