Hosting company VS VPS/Dedi VS Home hosted

I can tell you that hosting companies do not share the same pros and cons. For instance, I've been with a shitty hosting company (hint hint serverffs) where support is virtually non-existent. Uptime is rather dependent on their service provider. Fast servers isn't always the case (they can oversell). Ok cost is subjective. Control panel, sure.

VPSes and Dedicated servers do give you root access and yeah you can install whatever you want to install as long as it's legal. Good slots/price ratio ??, Fast network is severely dependent if you have a VPS (you're mostly on a shared connection). Uptime is dependent on their datacenter. However VPSes can be affected by other people or by the provider. Some virtualization platforms can cause more problems if abused than other platforms. Also providers can oversell.

You also don't need good Linux knowledge, I just install VNC on the box and manage my dedicated by GUI and some providers offer managed support, meaning they do the work for you.

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