NPC Bots

Hey guys, so i just started giving NPC a shot and so far i think its pretty awesome.

But i ran into a few things that keep popping into my head.

How can i make it so that every now and then a bot replies to someone.

For an example,

Player- "Hey Bottie, your dumb"

Bot- "Hey [Name], Cool Story Bro"

Also, how can i make it so that if you press LMB near a bot an menu pops up. I can make the menu but i would have trouble with communicating to the bot that the player press LMB

Messages In This Thread
NPC Bots - by Shockey HD - 28.08.2011, 23:57
Re: NPC Bots - by IceCube! - 29.08.2011, 00:01
Re: NPC Bots - by Shockey HD - 29.08.2011, 00:15
Re: NPC Bots - by IceCube! - 29.08.2011, 00:29
Re: NPC Bots - by grand.Theft.Otto - 29.08.2011, 02:14
Re: NPC Bots - by IceCube! - 29.08.2011, 02:27

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