[GameMode] Gomma's Gang War Script [Unfinished]

Gomma's Gangwar Script
This was more or less a 'side-project' of mine. As the topic title says, it is not 100% finished yet. I will keep on developing this and probably share the newer version here then.

  • QUITE dynamic Gangwar System
    • It is not totally dynamic, but the Zones are getting loaded out of text files and can have their own properties etc.
    • Since the Zones are loaded from text files they will be saved, also if the server quits / restarts in the time between.

  • Register & Login System using Whirlpool and Dini (Yes, Dini is not the best way but that may be changed in the next version)
  • A lot of Admin commands
  • Death System (Kills and Deaths are getting saved)
  • Gang Zones can be created, just by using one command
  • Ability to read used Commands
  • Uses ZCMD
  • 5 Adminlevel

There are 5 teams. Every team but the civilians can take over gangzones. If a player takes over a gangzone, he/she will get 4000$. Money can be spend to buy weapons with following command: /shop .

Taking over Zones:
As I said above, you will get 4000$ if you take over a zone. But you must wait 40 seconds. You need to be NEAR the skull - pickup and type /takeover to take over a gang zone. If you want to change those 40 seconds, edit this line, which is in CMD:takeover :

TakeOverTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("TakeOverEnd", 40000, 0, "i", playerid);
Note: 40000 Milliseconds = 40 Seconds

You will fail at taking over zones when:
  • You die
  • You leave the Gang Zone
Create Gang Zones:
I added 1 zone by default, and that is just an example. You will have to create more of course, that can be done with this command:

/czone [Range]
You need to be RCON Admin to use this command. The range stands for the size of the gangzone. Remember, those gangzones have the form of a square.

This command will save your position, and add +Range to every side. So the gang zones will be created. The minimum range is 1 [This range is stupid though since it will be hardly visible on the minimap].

Known Bugs:
  • The Ratio in the stats is not working.


Normal Player Commands:

/kill-Player will suicide
/pm[ID] [Message]Will send a personal message to a player
/shop-Here a player can buy weapons
/stats(Optional: ID)Will show a player's stats
/report[ID]Report players who broke the rules
/ccolor[Color1] [Color2]Changes the color of a player's car
/takeover-Players (not civilians) can take over zones with it
[I don't feel like listing all the Admin commands here. Just search for them in the script.]

  • ****** - Sscanf
  • Zeex - ZCMD
  • Incognito - Streamer Plugin
  • DracoBlue - Dini

[No mirrors please]

Note: All includes and plugins are inside the download.

Messages In This Thread
Gomma's Gang War Script [Unfinished] - by Gomma - 28.08.2011, 14:27
Re: Gomma's Gang War Script [Unfinished] - by [Th3_Gh0sT][$] - 28.08.2011, 15:20
Re: Gomma's Gang War Script [Unfinished] - by Darklom - 29.08.2011, 04:08
Re: Gomma's Gang War Script [Unfinished] - by Jack_Leslie - 29.08.2011, 06:06
Re: Gomma's Gang War Script [Unfinished] - by Leroytjuh - 29.08.2011, 11:53
AW: Re: Gomma's Gang War Script [Unfinished] - by Gomma - 29.08.2011, 20:04

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