need help with tolls

Most likely because Timer_TollsClose function is moving the wrong object ID.
pawn Code:
SetTimerEx("Timer_TollsClose",18000,true,"ii",playerid, 0);
With this line you are going to move the object ID of 0, which is invalid (object IDs start with 1). Since the object you move originally is 'toll1', you should make sure it closes (and keep the ID constant).
pawn Code:
SetTimerEx("Timer_TollsClose",18000,true,"ii",playerid, toll1);
I'm also curious, why do you pass the playerid parameter to the function when it's never used?

Messages In This Thread
need help with tolls - by [LHT]Bally - 28.08.2011, 07:48
Re: need help with tolls - by Bakr - 28.08.2011, 07:57
Re: need help with tolls - by [LHT]Bally - 28.08.2011, 08:00
Re: need help with tolls - by Bakr - 28.08.2011, 08:04
Re: need help with tolls - by [LHT]Bally - 28.08.2011, 08:07
Re: need help with tolls - by [LHT]Bally - 28.08.2011, 08:18
Re: need help with tolls - by Bakr - 28.08.2011, 08:20
Re: need help with tolls - by [LHT]Bally - 28.08.2011, 08:23
Re: need help with tolls - by Bakr - 28.08.2011, 08:25
Re: need help with tolls - by [LHT]Bally - 28.08.2011, 08:27

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