How could I get this?

You need to get the users location and display it into a Textdraw. But those nice textdraws are mods.

Messages In This Thread
How could I get this? - by iGetty - 27.08.2011, 21:50
Re: How could I get this? - by Kingunit - 27.08.2011, 21:59
Re: How could I get this? - by iGetty - 27.08.2011, 22:04
AW: How could I get this? - by Nero_3D - 27.08.2011, 22:06
Re: How could I get this? - by Kingunit - 27.08.2011, 22:08
Re: How could I get this? - by iGetty - 27.08.2011, 22:11
Re: How could I get this? - by iGetty - 27.08.2011, 22:22
Re: How could I get this? - by Kingunit - 27.08.2011, 22:24
Re: How could I get this? - by iGetty - 27.08.2011, 22:29
Re: How could I get this? - by Kingunit - 27.08.2011, 22:34

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