Need a scripter that will work for cash

I need a dynamic car system:

I need rcon admins to be able to use this command:

/vcreate ModelID Price Color1 Color2 - this will spawn a car on the admins x,y,z pos.

I need the general simple commands,

Player commands:
/buycar - If the car is created using /vcreate
/sellcar - and the car will be removed from the game

Rcon admin commands:

/vcreate modelID price color1 color2
/vremove ID- removes the players car id from the game
/vcheckcars ID - tells the admin the cars ID's that the player owns.
/vgotocar ID - teleport the admin to the car

Rcon admin can enter any car and drive it. And /apark it.

Will pay $5 through paypal for it.

Please pm me if you can do this. Thanks.

Please don't use a mySQL system, use something like Y_INI.

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