26.08.2011, 11:40
A "good" audio system has good bass. Factory sound systems have terrible/no bass.
In comparison to the bass that comes from an actual subwoofer then the car might aswell have no base whatsover.
A shite speaker (which can be found in any car new or old) can give acceptable vocals.
My cousins husband has that BMW I posted, only a 2009 model and the factory sound system is shite. Just like most other cars (UK anyway).
Andddd my cousin has a 2010 1 series, also with a shite factory system.
Ive been in them both and listened to them so unless my ears are noob then they both have shite bass.
I guess it comes down to personal preference and what you like to expect
In comparison to the bass that comes from an actual subwoofer then the car might aswell have no base whatsover.
A shite speaker (which can be found in any car new or old) can give acceptable vocals.
My cousins husband has that BMW I posted, only a 2009 model and the factory sound system is shite. Just like most other cars (UK anyway).
Andddd my cousin has a 2010 1 series, also with a shite factory system.
Ive been in them both and listened to them so unless my ears are noob then they both have shite bass.
I guess it comes down to personal preference and what you like to expect