23.08.2011, 13:56
Thanks for the notice, Y_Less. Here are the lines:
Line 2776:
Line 5990, 6009, 6028, 6059, 6486, 6502, 6551, 6571, 6608, 6667 Are the same as Line 2776
Line 8029-8037:
Line 8037-8041:
Line 2776:
if(mysql_retrieve_row()) //there are actually any rows
Line 8029-8037:
command(help, playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerServerAdmin(playerid, 1)) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_HELP_2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Help", "Chat\nVehicle\nWallet\nOOC Rooms\nSupport\nHouse\nBusiness\nBuildings\nFactions\nJob\nViolence\nNotes\nForum\nCell Phone\nUniversity\nJob\nDrugs\nDonator\nBank\nSettings\nMaterials\nAdmin", "Select", "Cancel"); return 1; } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_HELP, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Help", "Chat\nVehicle\nWallet\nOOC Rooms\nSupport\nHouse\nBusiness\nBuildings\nFactions\nJob\nViolence\nNotes\nForum\nCell Phone\nUniversity\nJob\nDrugs\nDonator\nBank\nSettings\nMaterials", "Select", "Cancel"); return 1; } command(materials, playerid, params[]) {
command(materials, playerid, params[]) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_MATERIALS_MENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, string, "9mm - 5\nDesert Eagle - 10\nShotgun - 15\nSawn Off - 20\nTec-9 - 25\nMicro SMG - 25\nMP5 - 30\nAK-47 - 35\nM4 - 40\nRifle - 45\nSniper Rfile - 50\nFlameThrower - 55\nMolotov Cocktail - 60\nGrenade - 65\nMiniGun - 100", "Create","Cancel"); return 1; } command(drugs, playerid, params[]) {