Maya Objects -> SA-MP Objects. (How to?)

SA-MP does not support custom objects, only those that are included.
What you would make there would be a modification for San Andreas itself, not for SA-MP.

Messages In This Thread
Maya Objects -> SA-MP Objects. (How to?) - by Smurf[SMURF] - 23.08.2011, 04:53
Re: Maya Objects -> SA-MP Objects. (How to?) - by TheBetaFox - 23.08.2011, 09:45
Re: Maya Objects -> SA-MP Objects. (How to?) - by Karlip - 23.08.2011, 10:06
Re: Maya Objects -> SA-MP Objects. (How to?) - by Babul - 23.08.2011, 10:39
Re: Maya Objects -> SA-MP Objects. (How to?) - by Smurf[SMURF] - 25.08.2011, 04:35

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