Song Name

Ah yes, the song with no meaning that has only been released to make money based on the fact that it includes the word Fuc*, which automatically makes the one who listens to it extremely unique and cool. Not talking about you, but there hardly seem to be any known songs out now that do not include the words "tonight, friday, party, sex, all night, dancing, world ends, you and me, drinking".

Messages In This Thread
Song Name - by [MG]Dimi - 22.08.2011, 11:13
Re: Song Name - by Gamer_Z - 22.08.2011, 11:33
Re: Song Name - by Zh3r0 - 22.08.2011, 11:34
Re: Song Name - by [MG]Dimi - 22.08.2011, 11:39
Re: Song Name - by XtremePlanet - 22.08.2011, 16:30
Re: Song Name - by [MG]Dimi - 23.08.2011, 08:13

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