Create Your Own Attached Objects?


Well, this isn't possible!

You would need to perform the images of it, edit gta3.img, and edit the SAMP and Pawn features!

Messages In This Thread
Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by 0_o - 14.08.2011, 16:38
Re: Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by a_big - 14.08.2011, 16:39
Re: Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by 0_o - 17.08.2011, 19:56
AW: Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by samtey - 17.08.2011, 19:58
Re: Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by rekatluos - 17.08.2011, 20:02
Re : Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by Naruto_Emilio - 17.08.2011, 21:07
Re : Re: Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by Uchiwa_ - 17.08.2011, 21:09
Re: Re : Re: Create Your Own Attached Objects? - by =WoR=Varth - 18.08.2011, 02:41

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