Gang permissions

KingTurtle i already did that jeez do you guys have a brain look at my 2nd post in this thread.

Let me explain again?:
1.When i login i see ATEAM blue like a law enforcement.
2.I can use it even without /adateam
3.It shall be that you can't use it if u dont have been /adateam id .
4.if u do not have been /adateam by a admin it shall say hmm
5.You do not have permissions to use this class and etc
6.and this shall be like criminal.
7.I tried to make the color of name and gangzone to lime but its blue omg i setted it to lime.
8. i adde the commands but it says the law enforcements command.

Messages In This Thread
Gang permissions - by James_Bourne - 17.08.2011, 16:45
Re: Gang permissions - by ElieJabbour - 17.08.2011, 16:57
AW: Gang permissions - by Forbidden - 17.08.2011, 17:00
Re: Gang permissions - by James_Bourne - 17.08.2011, 17:25
Re: Gang permissions - by ElieJabbour - 17.08.2011, 17:42
Re: Gang permissions - by James_Bourne - 17.08.2011, 17:45
Re: Gang permissions - by KingTurtle - 17.08.2011, 18:02
Re: Gang permissions - by James_Bourne - 17.08.2011, 18:42
Re: Gang permissions - by ElieJabbour - 17.08.2011, 19:15

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