chat help

hello guys, am starting to create my own GM.
and i have a problem with the chat,
i'v made a new clean script,
And i'll make an RP server, so.
when some one talks THE WHOLE
server sees it, but what i want is.
that if some one talks on the regular chat.
only people that stand 5 meters away from the player
will see it thanks for the helpers

Messages In This Thread
chat help - by DannySnoopy - 17.08.2011, 16:44
Re: chat help - by =WoR=Varth - 18.08.2011, 03:01
Re: chat help - by [MG]Dimi - 18.08.2011, 06:58
AW: chat help - by Forbidden - 18.08.2011, 07:12
AW: chat help - by umarmalik - 18.08.2011, 07:54

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