Originally Posted by Kush
He is using it correctly. Instead of making accusations, why not tell him how to solve the problem?
Try mine:
PHP код:
new Object[MAX_PLAYERS];
YCMD:getstretcher(playerid, params[], help)
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
#pragma unused help
#pragma unused params
Object[playerid] = CreateObject(2146, X, Y, Z, 0, 0, 0, 75.0);
AttachObjectToPlayer(Object[playerid], playerid, -0.506504, 1.504988, 0.031584, 0.000000, 89.566635, 0.000000);
return 1;
YCMD:removestretcher(playerid, params[], help)
#pragma unused help
#pragma unused params
return 1;
it's looks just like my command
Originally Posted by varthshenon
Why you said so?
I don't see any problem with your little code. Perhaps there's something to do with your command in another line.
Is the object created or not?
Yes the object is created and it's attached to the player but after using Destroying the object (which works also)
i can't use the /getstretcher command anymore.