16.08.2011, 00:04
I play GTA because I want to do stuff I can't do in real life: Killing people, carjacking police officers, etc. Stuff that definitively doesn't involve driving a truck between cities, for god sake.
Driving a truck between cities is the least that you can do in roleplay servers.
It seems there is just too much Role Playing (aka, complicated no deathmatch with abusive admins) servers. I mean, what the fudge happened to those DM / TDM servers, and why are most of the Role Playing scripts NOT in English?
And the non-English servers have ridiculous amounts of players. come on, why would you want 3 servers, on the same game-mode, with up to 200 players on each. I would be happy with 20 to 30 players on my server...not 100 ^_^