
Okay, I'm well aware this is a touchy subject. But I wanted to ask it anyway. I remember back about 1-2 years ago there were some servers going around saying Kye and the dev team either didn't want to allow mods, or were discussing a way to prevent mod usage.

What, currently, is SAMP's position on mods, do they acknowledge they exist, or do they flat out tell people not to use them and don't offer support to mod users? I remember, again, servers refusing to deal with anything related to mods or even pics with mods in them.

Was that all a load of hot air or did anything ever actually come of that? The way I see it, let's assume for a second that the devs want to prevent mod usage (perfectly fair IMO and something I'd support), it'd be tricky to implement. I have both a CD copy that I installed, and a Steam copy on two computers in my hosue. If I install a mod on the Steam version, most of the time it detects the file's been changed, and redownloads the correct file.

Would such an idea work on SAMP? I'm gonna guess no, as it'd take up way, way too much bandwith and be unworkable.

Messages In This Thread
Mods? - by celticfang - 14.08.2011, 15:45
Re: Mods? - by TheBetaFox - 14.08.2011, 16:39
Re: Mods? - by DiDok - 14.08.2011, 17:01
Re: Mods? - by Kalcor - 14.08.2011, 22:29
Re: Mods? - by Sensitive - 14.08.2011, 23:30
Re: Mods? - by SchurmanCQC - 14.08.2011, 23:46
Re: Mods? - by celticfang - 15.08.2011, 07:35
Re: Mods? - by Astralis - 18.11.2011, 19:07
Re: Mods? - by Norn - 18.11.2011, 19:36
Re: Mods? - by SchurmanCQC - 18.11.2011, 19:47

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