Wanted level timers

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
 	if(GetPlayerTeam(killerid) == TEAM_GANG)
 	    SendClientMessage(killerid, -1, "You have killed someone you may get caught by the police");
	return 1;
So I want to make a script so that when the TEAM_GANG kills someone a timer will start for 30 seconds and after that I can script what will happen to the person how do I make the timers im not used to them even though I tried wiki but it didn't help me with this.

Messages In This Thread
Wanted level timers - by muhib777 - 11.08.2011, 17:21
Re: Wanted level timers - by Ruffles. - 11.08.2011, 17:30
Re: Wanted level timers - by Cypress - 11.08.2011, 17:31
Re: Wanted level timers - by muhib777 - 11.08.2011, 18:08

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