problem with car script

the problem is when i do /vpark the coordinates of the car are saved
but the function " SetVehicleToRespawn(i);" don't allow to respawn the vehicle to the parked position.

Messages In This Thread
problem with car script - by jasonnw666 - 11.08.2011, 12:45
Re: problem with car script - by XGh0stz - 11.08.2011, 13:12
Re : problem with car script - by jasonnw666 - 11.08.2011, 13:17
Re: problem with car script - by XGh0stz - 11.08.2011, 14:37
Re : problem with car script - by jasonnw666 - 11.08.2011, 14:52
Re : problem with car script - by jasonnw666 - 11.08.2011, 18:10

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