10.08.2011, 19:57
ok but now i found new problem.....
sometimes players that don't have cheats get banned and I cheack that all GivePlayerWeapon replaced.....
maybe that happend because this:
sometimes players that don't have cheats get banned and I cheack that all GivePlayerWeapon replaced.....
maybe that happend because this:
forward YAN_ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); public YAN_ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid) { new str[10]; for(new w = 0; w<= 42; w++) { format(str,sizeof(str),"weap%d",w); if(GetPVarInt(playerid,str) == 1) DeletePVar(playerid,str); } for(new s = 0; s <= 12; s++) { format(str,sizeof(str),"wslot%d",s); if(GetPVarInt(playerid,str) != -1) DeletePVar(playerid,str); } return 1; }