Gates, make them open only on family members

Hi guys, i got like 3-4 gates, and one of my friends was just playing for fun in my server - and then he did /opengate Yakuza - and then it opened - LOL ..

So is there a specific command to make it open only when its a Yakuza member, and not anyone else - cant seem to find anything about /opengate yakuza in my script .

Well, can someone help me out?

Messages In This Thread
Gates, make them open only on family members - by Tisca - 16.08.2008, 19:50
Re: Gates, make them open only on family members - by bineboy - 16.08.2008, 20:18
Re: Gates, make them open only on family members - by Tisca - 16.08.2008, 20:42
Re: Gates, make them open only on family members - by juuleman - 03.10.2009, 15:42

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