Switchen to ZCMD

ZCMD processes commands in mass faster, so if you have a popular server (or are expecting to), switching to ZCMD is highly advised. It's generally wise for optimization even if not.

Messages In This Thread
Switchen to ZCMD - by Kingunit - 08.08.2011, 09:50
Re: Switchen to ZCMD - by Calgon - 08.08.2011, 09:57
Re: Switchen to ZCMD - by Kingunit - 08.08.2011, 09:59
Re: Switchen to ZCMD - by Calgon - 08.08.2011, 10:02
Re: Switchen to ZCMD - by Kingunit - 08.08.2011, 10:03
Re: Switchen to ZCMD - by Calgon - 08.08.2011, 10:05
Re: Switchen to ZCMD - by Kingunit - 08.08.2011, 10:08
Re: Switchen to ZCMD - by Kingunit - 08.08.2011, 10:55

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