Hex colors to Pawn colors.

Download this (color picker) as Drebin said. It lets you choose the color you want and it gives you the Pawn Hex.


This is green: #00FF0
Replace the '#' with '0x' and add FF to the end.
So it'll look like this:


EDIT: Sorry, late reply...

Messages In This Thread
Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Uchiwa_ - 08.08.2011, 00:06
AW: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Drebin - 08.08.2011, 00:08
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Shockey HD - 08.08.2011, 00:09
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Uchiwa_ - 08.08.2011, 00:10
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Tee - 08.08.2011, 00:12
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Uchiwa_ - 08.08.2011, 00:13
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Tee - 08.08.2011, 00:14
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by Uchiwa_ - 08.08.2011, 00:16
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by muhib777 - 08.08.2011, 00:16
Re: Hex colors to Pawn colors. - by [bs]_lancer - 08.08.2011, 00:19

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