Vehicle Lock/Unlock System

tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
format(tmp, 128, "Verwendung: /carlock [0 - %d]", Max_Player_Cars-1);

Im too bored to read whole code but you assigned same variable for messgae and for cmd param

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle Lock/Unlock System - by xXGaryXx - 07.08.2011, 16:37
Re: Vehicle Lock/Unlock System - by [MG]Dimi - 07.08.2011, 17:10
AW: Vehicle Lock/Unlock System - by xXGaryXx - 09.08.2011, 17:39
AW: Vehicle Lock/Unlock System - by xXGaryXx - 11.08.2011, 14:42
Re: Vehicle Lock/Unlock System - by =WoR=Varth - 12.08.2011, 03:27
Re : Vehicle Lock/Unlock System - by jasonnw666 - 13.08.2011, 12:32

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