I have made a newbie chat.

I have made a Newbie chat.
I have added a command in it with ZCMD.

/nmute [playerid] [time] [Reason]

When i do /nmute [id] [time] [reason] then it works fine and then it also unmutes after the given time.

I just want to add a thing that if a player is nmuted then it should show a message every minute that %d minutes left to be unmuted from newbie chat.

For Example-

A player is muted for 5minutes.

1 minute ago....

4minutes left to be unmuted from the Newbie chat.

2 minutess agoo....

3 minutes left to be unmuted from the newbie chat.

5 minutes ago....
You are unmuted from the newbie chat.

I am using

pawn Код:
pNMuted,   (The player is nmuted)
pNMDuration, (For total how much time a player is muted.)

Messages In This Thread
I have made a newbie chat. - by Harry_Sandhu - 07.08.2011, 10:00
Re: I have made a newbie chat. - by JaTochNietDan - 07.08.2011, 10:16
Re: I have made a newbie chat. - by Harry_Sandhu - 07.08.2011, 10:29
Re: I have made a newbie chat. - by JaTochNietDan - 07.08.2011, 10:38
Re: I have made a newbie chat. - by Harry_Sandhu - 07.08.2011, 11:44
Re: I have made a newbie chat. - by emokidx - 07.08.2011, 12:39
Re: I have made a newbie chat. - by Harry_Sandhu - 07.08.2011, 13:02

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