Originally Posted by AirKite
Ok, thanks for answer. How about add Audio_Set3DVelocity?
pawn Код:
new Float:Vehpv[6], vehicle=GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); GetVehicleVelocity(vehicle, Vehpv[0], Vehpv[1], Vehpv[2]);////////////////// GetVehiclePos(vehicle, Vehpv[3], Vehpv[4], Vehpv[5]); Audio_Set3DPosition(playerid, vehhandle[vehicle], Vehpv[3], Vehpv[4], Vehpv[5], Float:distance); Audio_Set3DVelocity(playerid, vehhandle[vehicle], Vehpv[0], Vehpv[1], Vehpv[2]);//////////////////
It's will make effect moving sound. I hope so.
That could be possible. BASS has algorithms to create a doppler effect for streams with a velocity configured. I believe BASS uses meters per second, though, so the units returned from GetPlayerVelocity and GetVehicleVelocity will need to be converted (the units GTA uses are meters per 1/50th of a second, I think, which is a little strange).
Originally Posted by Meta
In 0.4 there was an option in the configuration to play the music outside of GTA aswell. Now it's gone. Do I have to look into 0.4 and readd it to the conf or did you remove this function?
If you mean the "mute_playback_when_minimized" option, then yes, it's gone. That was an artifact from the configuration settings for the external client. It made sense when you could minimize the game and look at the client to see what was currently playing, but now that there's no GUI and the plugin is simply loaded with the game, I don't think that it's a particularly useful option anymore.
Originally Posted by Ivan_Pantovic
Hmm, I used this plugin for some time and it worked perfectly, but than I bought new VPS, and started using a new gamemode... long story, and now I have a problem with this:
[23:01:49] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[23:01:49] *** Audio Plugin: Error accepting socket: Invalid argument
[23:01:49] *** Audio Plugin: Error accepting socket: Bad file descriptor
Originally Posted by Mandrakke
Hello everyone, I'm using the Audio Plugin 0.5 and it's works fine in the localhost (Windows), but in the host (Linux) i receive the following error:
Audio Plugin: Error binding endpoint for acceptor: Address already in use
my server are hosted on serverffs and this plugin seems doesn't work with Linux Servers, i tried test the plugin with the default filterscript (that came with the own plugin) and.. NOTHING! simply doesn't works.
On the version 0.4 we could change the server port in the configuration files, but now it seems impossible..
I think these errors indicate some problem with the server host rather than with the plugin itself. I'd recommend contacting customer support and asking for their assistance with setting up the TCP server.
Originally Posted by Riddick94
pawn Код:
foreach2(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { Audio_PlayEx(playerid, 1, false, false, true); Audio_Set3DPositionEx(i, 1, 30.0); }
pawn Код:
stock Audio_Set3DPositionEx(playerid, audioid, Float:distance) { new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; Audio_Remove3DPosition(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pAudio3DPlaying]); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAudio3DPlaying] = Audio_Set3DPosition(playerid, audioid, X, Y, Z, distance); return true; }
stock Audio_PlayEx(playerid, audioid, bool:pause, bool:loop, bool:downmix) { Audio_Stop(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pAudio3DPlaying]); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAudioPlaying] = Audio_Play(playerid, audioid, pause, loop, downmix); return true; }
The problem is that you're passing the audio ID to Audio_Set3DPosition rather than the handle ID returned from Audio_Play. It should be done like this:
pawn Код:
new handleid = Audio_Play(playerid, 1);
Audio_Set3DPosition(playerid, handleid, x, y, z, distance);