[Include] gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA)

gTeams- Easy include to create teams!
What is this?
Well, I figured out that most of the time for me SetPlayerTeam does not work with a anti-team kill usually it glitches and works for certain players only. This INC contains all certain things when it comes to creating teams, its a simple include but will require some things to it in order to compile your script.

Includes/Packages needed:
  • OnPlayerShootPlayer
  • YSI/y_hooks
Note: I've tested with 3 players only, not sure if there are any bugs or errors in the code, if so anything is found please hit up a PM or reply to the thread, thanks!

** Just released 
OnPlayerShootPlayer has been hooked.
gT: Can be used as gTeam_, its pre-defined
pawn Код:
    native gTeam_CreateTeam(teamname[], teamid, color, bool: teamscore)
    native gTeam_ToggleAntiTeamKill(bool: toggle)
    native gTeam_SetPlayerTeam(playerid, teamid)
    native gTeam_SetTeamDeathPenalty(penaltyid)
    native GetTeamName(teamid)
    native GetTeamCount()
    native gGetPlayerTeam(playerid)
    native SetTeamScoreRate(adder = 1, multiplier = 0)
    native GetTeamScore(teamid)
    native SetTeamScore(teamid, score)
    native GiveTeamScore(teamid, score)
    native ReturnPlayerName(pid)
    native bool:IsPlayerSpawned(pid)
gTeam_CreateTeam(teamname[], teamid, color, bool: teamscore)
teamname - Creates a team name for the specific team.
teamid - Team ID you want it to be created as.
color - Color of the team
bool:teamscore - Activate team scoring.


gTeam_ToggleAntiTeamKill(bool: toggle)
toggle - true = yes; false = no; Enables anti team kill

gTeam_SetPlayerTeam(playerid, teamid)
playerid - playerid
teamid - the teamid selected

penatlyid -sets the penalty to the killer once a team kill is made

teamid - the teamid selected

No parameters

playerid - playerid

SetTeamScoreRate(adder = 1, multiplier = 0)
adder - How much to be added when a team score is added
multiplier - Multiples the adder by the number selected

teamid - the teamid selected

SetTeamScore(teamid, score)
teamid - the teamid selected
score - score to be set to

GiveTeamScore(teamid, score)
teamid - the teamid selected
score - score to be added

ReturnPlayerName(pid) [EXTRA FUNCTION]
pid - playerid

bool:IsPlayerSpawned(pid) [EXTRA FUNCTION]
pid - playerid

pawn Код:
/* ** Penaltys ** */
#define MAX_PENALTYS            6 // There are currently 6!
#define PENALTY_NOTHING         0 // Do nothing...
#define PENALTY_KILL            1 // Kill the killerid
#define PENALTY_EXPLODE         2 // Explode the killerid
#define PENALTY_FLY             3 // Make the killerid fly
#define PENALTY_KICK            4 // Kick the player
#define PENALTY_WARN            5 // Warn the player
"This include/gm has Not been fully tested, bugs will be fixed in future versions if reported, simply report them on the thread, ill check."

There may be bugs, may. I would like to repair them asap. (Highly doubt though)

gTeams - Example GM
Credits to LV-DM, stole some things off there to make this basic GM... Modern LV-TDM xD

3 Teams: Groove, Balla, Ninjas

Includes used: ZCMD, Foreach & gTeam!

Download is right below where the inc download link is!

ZCMD creator - ZeeX
Lorenc - Include
Wups - OnPlayerShootPlayer INC
****** - YSI library/foreach
lv-dm - Copied vehicles and spawns
expertprogrammer & Norbert_G - Testing with me <3

Include Download (v 0.1)

Example Gamemode (v 0.1)

Need more information just ask, I didn't bother to check the topics grammar, ill look into it after I get prepared for something occurring tommrow

Messages In This Thread
gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by Lorenc_ - 04.08.2011, 07:45
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by MiTToS - 04.08.2011, 07:46
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by iMonk3y - 04.08.2011, 08:07
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by Lorenc_ - 04.08.2011, 08:15
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by [HiC]TheKiller - 04.08.2011, 08:24
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by FireCat - 04.08.2011, 08:25
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by Lorenc_ - 04.08.2011, 08:35
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by wups - 04.08.2011, 09:03
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by Lorenc_ - 04.08.2011, 09:08
Re: gTeams - w/ Example GM (BETA) - by Horrible - 04.08.2011, 23:57

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