Changing death animation

Hmm, I really have no experience with OnPlayerDeath, but it should be like this:


pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
ApplyAnimation(playerid,"ANIMATION_KIND", "ANIMATIONNAME",4.0,1,1,1,1,1);
Find the names of kind and name on the page I gave you! But I don't think, that "deathanimations" are available!

Messages In This Thread
Changing death animation - by LZLo - 02.08.2011, 11:10
AW: Changing death animation - by samtey - 02.08.2011, 11:14
Re: Changing death animation - by LZLo - 02.08.2011, 11:17
AW: Changing death animation - by samtey - 02.08.2011, 11:26

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