Anti Health Hack


TogglePlayerControllable(targetid, 1);
new msg[MAX_STRING];
checkinv = 1;
new Float,Float:y,Float:z;
CreateExplosion(x, y, z, 12, 2.0);
SetTimerEx("Explosion",500,0,"ii", targetid, playerid);
format(msg,sizeof(msg),""#COL_ORANGE"[ADMIN] "#COL_LRED"%s was checked for Invulnerability HAX.",PlayerName(targetid));
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, msg);

Emm? I do not understand this part of the code.
'targetid' gets disarmoured and his health is set to 100, Server creates explode under it, then set timer, sending message to playerid and the armour and health of targetid is set to 99?
What it does? And where's the "public Explosion"? Because timer which isn't scripted does.. Nothin..

And PS: D
"I am not that good of a scripter ;(" - Don't worry, just keep learning

Messages In This Thread
Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 19:16
Re: Anti Health Hack - by wups - 31.07.2011, 19:17
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Kingunit - 31.07.2011, 19:18
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 19:21
Re: Anti Health Hack - by LetsOWN[PL] - 31.07.2011, 19:37
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Kingunit - 31.07.2011, 19:40
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 19:44
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Famalamalam - 31.07.2011, 19:47
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 19:50
Re: Anti Health Hack - by LetsOWN[PL] - 31.07.2011, 19:55
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 20:08
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Kingunit - 31.07.2011, 20:10
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 20:12
Re: Anti Health Hack - by LetsOWN[PL] - 31.07.2011, 20:14
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 20:19
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Kingunit - 31.07.2011, 20:19
Re: Anti Health Hack - by LetsOWN[PL] - 31.07.2011, 20:24
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 31.07.2011, 20:30
Re: Anti Health Hack - by LetsOWN[PL] - 31.07.2011, 20:36
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Kingunit - 31.07.2011, 20:49
Re: Anti Health Hack - by LetsOWN[PL] - 31.07.2011, 20:51
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Kingunit - 01.08.2011, 01:30
Re: Anti Health Hack - by Rocketeer - 01.08.2011, 02:48

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