help how to add robbing check point??

You need to take the coordinates by typing the current command at a specific place, /save is the command.
Then you'll find it on GTA San Andreas User Files -> SAMP 0> savedpositions.txt, your coordinates will be there so snap them and then use the specific function.

IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint, when player uses the command /robbank, check if he stays in distance of 2.5 away from the coordinates, with this function.

Messages In This Thread
help how to add robbing check point?? - by UserName31 - 31.07.2011, 18:12
Re: help how to add robbing check point?? - by Toreno - 31.07.2011, 18:24
Re: help how to add robbing check point?? - by UserName31 - 31.07.2011, 18:45
Re: help how to add robbing check point?? - by Toreno - 31.07.2011, 18:51
Re: help how to add robbing check point?? - by Kerlan - 23.06.2012, 22:19

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