31.07.2011, 11:19
funny thing, now I get different number only I tried both codes you guys provided,here's the code:
pawn Код:
new Para[265];
Para = GetFightStyleName( GetPlayerFightingStyle(i));
new hrk[265];
format(hrk,sizeof(hrk),"Stil: ~w~%d", Para);
pawn Код:
stock GetFightStyleName(styleid)
new sname[12];
sname = "Unknown";
case 4: sname = "Normal";
case 5: sname = "Boxing";
case 6: sname = "Kung Fu";
case 7: sname = "Knee Head";
case 15: sname = "Grabkick";
case 26: sname = "Elbow";
return sname;
I tried with the same code u guys gave it to me,also without this "new para" but stil,all I get is those numbers.
Number for normal style is allways 78,for boxing style 66 and so on,so on..