AddInterior () & RemoveInterior ()

Hey guys,
iґve read an interesting topic in our german forum. There was someone, who had problems with creating enterable interiors with use of pickups. Then i saw that it is VERY VERY much code, if you check at OnPlayerPickUpPickup every pickup. So he used for only one pickup about 20 lines for one enterable interior.
Then i had the idea to create a function like AddInterior... So that someone can create an enterable, dynamic interior with pickups in only one line.
Now its finished!
Its based on an FilterScript and one include for the gamemode.
It includes 2 functions:
AddInterior ( iM[ ] , iVW , iI , Float:iX , Float:iY , Float:iZ , Float:iA , iPT , iPM , iG , iAK , oM[ ] , oVW , oI , Float:oX , Float:oY , Float:oZ , Float:oA , oPT , oPM , oG , oAK )
RemoveInterior ( interior )
Now i try to explain the parameters:
iM : Message ( textdraw ) after entering interior
iVW : VirtualWorld of interior
iX : X position of entrance-pickup and leaving position
iY : Y position of entrance-pickup and leaving position
iZ : Z position of entrance-pickup and leaving position
iA : leaving angle
iPT : PickupType ( standard = NULL, if you want some special change it )
iG : GameTextType ( standard = NULL, if you want some special change it )
iAK : YES or NO. If you want that players can enter interiors by tipping enter key
The other parameters are the same, but for the exit

I coded a menu to generate the AddInterior ( ... ) ingame!
Here is a video: [ame][/ame]

What du you think? Is it usefull?

Messages In This Thread
AddInterior () & RemoveInterior () - by [LoD]Hauke - 31.07.2011, 03:06
Re: AddInterior () & RemoveInterior () - by Robert_Crawford - 31.07.2011, 03:19
Re: AddInterior () & RemoveInterior () - by [LoD]Hauke - 31.07.2011, 03:30
Re: AddInterior () & RemoveInterior () - by Mean - 31.07.2011, 12:14
Re: AddInterior () & RemoveInterior () - by FireCat - 31.07.2011, 12:20

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