Same pickups in one variable?

That's a multi dimensional variable for the coordinate.
For the pickup:
pawn Код:
new Pickup[sizeof(Deagle)];

for(new i;i<sizeof(Deagle);i++)
  Pickup[i] = Createpickup blahblahblah ......

public OnPlayerPickupPickup(.......forgot forgot)
for(new i;i<sizeof(Deagle);i++)
 if(pickupid/*I guess*/ == Pickup[0])
return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Same pickups in one variable? - by samtey - 30.07.2011, 12:17
Re: Same pickups in one variable? - by =WoR=Varth - 30.07.2011, 17:14
AW: Same pickups in one variable? - by samtey - 30.07.2011, 17:15
Re: Same pickups in one variable? - by =WoR=Varth - 30.07.2011, 17:36
AW: Same pickups in one variable? - by samtey - 30.07.2011, 17:40
Re: Same pickups in one variable? - by =WoR=Varth - 30.07.2011, 17:45
Re: Same pickups in one variable? - by eDz0r - 30.07.2011, 18:48

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