Process bar with a timer


In my roleplay script I am implenting a point-system and I want that as soon a player types /capture and the timer starts to go (this is all scripted already), that a big processbar in the middle of the screen appears, which is full at the start but goes empty after 10 seconds.

Anybody who can help me?

Messages In This Thread
Process bar with a timer - by Supercop - 28.07.2011, 16:16
Re: Process bar with a timer - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 28.07.2011, 16:22
Re: Process bar with a timer - by Supercop - 28.07.2011, 17:39
Re: Process bar with a timer - by Supercop - 30.07.2011, 14:21
Re: Process bar with a timer - by MadeMan - 30.07.2011, 14:52

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