[FilterScript] AnimCool (Animation System)

AnimCool is one animation system with 2 main functions and a tool are:
Preview animations to search and view any animation by name and library and includes the ID of the animation (1870IDs animations in total).
1. Get the ID of any animation in any library (total 1870 revised animations 1 to 1 of file "anim.img" and "ped.ifp").
2. Create animations commands "InGame" fully customizable. that when you restart the server automatically load a file with the ability to import and export commands animations with your friends.


Messages In This Thread
AnimCool (Animation System) - by Miguel_Leopold - 26.07.2011, 23:42
Re: AnimCool (Animation System) - by Karlip - 27.07.2011, 00:04
Re: AnimCool (Animation System) - by Tee - 27.07.2011, 00:25
Re: AnimCool (Animation System) - by Horrible - 27.07.2011, 09:33
Re: AnimCool (Animation System) - by Cypress - 27.07.2011, 11:01
Re : AnimCool (Animation System) - by bousla7e - 27.07.2011, 21:26

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