What's your hobby?

Originally Posted by xRyder
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Man, you're from Croatia and you should know that football is a game played with your foot and you kick the ball.

On the other side you have "football"(American) where you carry the ball(well, not really a ball) through the field, in your hands, and you throw it to someone else who is only allowed to catch that ball with his hands.
In American football there is only one guy/player who can kick the ball with his foot and they have to be specially called onto the field, to do it ... You see?

OT: As I was saying, football, and skating.
And you should know that this is an English forum. I can't say "football and football", so I must say "football and soccer".

Messages In This Thread
What's your hobby? - by Aspekt - 23.07.2011, 18:32
Re: What's your hobby? - by Joe Staff - 23.07.2011, 18:43
Re: What's your hobby? - by linuxthefish - 23.07.2011, 18:45
Re: What's your hobby? - by Danny - 23.07.2011, 20:46
Re: What's your hobby? - by SchurmanCQC - 23.07.2011, 20:47
Re: What's your hobby? - by MoroDan - 23.07.2011, 21:04
Re: What's your hobby? - by seanny - 23.07.2011, 22:11
Re: What's your hobby? - by [03]Garsino - 23.07.2011, 22:18
Re: What's your hobby? - by Zh3r0 - 23.07.2011, 22:24
Re: What's your hobby? - by Grim_ - 23.07.2011, 22:35
Respuesta: What's your hobby? - by Code8976Man - 23.07.2011, 22:42
Re: What's your hobby? - by TheArcher - 23.07.2011, 22:42
Re: What's your hobby? - by Fj0rtizFredde - 23.07.2011, 22:54
Re: What's your hobby? - by ylleron - 23.07.2011, 23:27
Re: What's your hobby? - by Laronic - 23.07.2011, 23:39
Re: What's your hobby? - by weedarr - 23.07.2011, 23:49
Re: What's your hobby? - by Luis- - 23.07.2011, 23:54
Re: What's your hobby? - by Mr.Carpenter - 24.07.2011, 00:06
Re: What's your hobby? - by Steven82 - 24.07.2011, 01:05
Re: What's your hobby? - by lolumadd_ - 24.07.2011, 01:08
Re: What's your hobby? - by Joe Staff - 24.07.2011, 01:10
Re: What's your hobby? - by linuxthefish - 24.07.2011, 01:12
Re: What's your hobby? - by Mark_Weston - 24.07.2011, 01:36
Re: What's your hobby? - by Mean - 24.07.2011, 10:00
Re: What's your hobby? - by xRyder - 24.07.2011, 10:20
Re: What's your hobby? - by Mean - 24.07.2011, 10:31
Re: What's your hobby? - by Haydn - 24.07.2011, 13:10
Re: What's your hobby? - by Calgon - 24.07.2011, 14:10
Re: What's your hobby? - by davve95 - 24.07.2011, 14:54
Re: What's your hobby? - by Mean - 24.07.2011, 15:38
Re: What's your hobby? - by Famalamalam - 02.08.2011, 00:05
Re: What's your hobby? - by Vipero - 02.08.2011, 00:16
Re: What's your hobby? - by grand.Theft.Otto - 02.08.2011, 00:51
Re: What's your hobby? - by Famalamalam - 02.08.2011, 01:10
Re: What's your hobby? - by grand.Theft.Otto - 02.08.2011, 01:17
Re: What's your hobby? - by Famalamalam - 02.08.2011, 01:31

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