22.07.2011, 16:52
I think that would take away the whole 'free' aspect of SA-MP as a server owner. (not that I'd personally complain about having to buy a license). I think that is why we have hosted tab. As some others said, Kalcor posted something about a register type of system, where you'd register your server for it to be queried. However as people in this thread also asked. How would that work? And what would it actually achieve?
No. Thank about it. This thread is aimed at a system more for server owners, or people wanting to run a server. It wouldn't effect the players at all. It'd only effect the players if the owner didn't go through a licensing/registration phase.
It's not so much to do with moaning. This is simply a thread, for a suggestion. Something which may help improve the modification. If you're going to post, at least add something constructive to the topic.
Problem with that is. How would you be able to enforce such a thing? Let's be honest, the majority of GTA players in general are UNDER 18. (I started playing GTA at a young age tbh, let alone I started playing SA-MP back in the 0.1 days. I would of been 13 (I think) when I started).
I hope I haven't blabbered on.
No. Thank about it. This thread is aimed at a system more for server owners, or people wanting to run a server. It wouldn't effect the players at all. It'd only effect the players if the owner didn't go through a licensing/registration phase.
It's not so much to do with moaning. This is simply a thread, for a suggestion. Something which may help improve the modification. If you're going to post, at least add something constructive to the topic.
Problem with that is. How would you be able to enforce such a thing? Let's be honest, the majority of GTA players in general are UNDER 18. (I started playing GTA at a young age tbh, let alone I started playing SA-MP back in the 0.1 days. I would of been 13 (I think) when I started).
I hope I haven't blabbered on.