Improving the servers list

Hello! There's 4000 servers currently working. I find it quite annoying, because there are almost no quallity servers no more. So here's my solution: to get the server online (on list), you'll need to have a license (that you could buy at; sa-mp's service, for some symbolic price like $10 (lifetime license for one - specific server)). It would reduce the list alot.

Messages In This Thread
Improving the servers list - by Luka P. - 22.07.2011, 01:04
Re: Improving the servers list - by Abbott - 22.07.2011, 01:32
Re: Improving the servers list - by leong124 - 22.07.2011, 01:36
Re: Improving the servers list - by Krx17 - 22.07.2011, 01:39
Re: Improving the servers list - by Scenario - 22.07.2011, 03:08
Re: Improving the servers list - by davve95 - 22.07.2011, 15:17
Re: Improving the servers list - by Vince - 22.07.2011, 15:48
Re: Improving the servers list - by Adil - 22.07.2011, 16:03
Re: Improving the servers list - by Luka P. - 22.07.2011, 16:24
Re: Improving the servers list - by Burridge - 22.07.2011, 16:52

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