[FilterScript] Market System

Market system

This is a market system, in meniu is food, drinks, alchool, drugs and other.
No bugs detected
Open the "BigMarket" in pawn, On line IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(...) 00 => The X coordinates | 000 => The Y coordinates | 0000 => The Z coordinates
Click Here
An option
Put a pickup in a market and pickup coordinates copy and paste to IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(....00 => The X coordinates | 000 => The Y coordinates | 0000 => The Z coordinates)and put a pickups in other markets and create a system of real markets.

My Nationality is |===============|
The language of script is English

Messages In This Thread
[B]Market System[/B] - by yourcrys - 20.07.2011, 20:25
Re: Market System - by ReM!X - 20.07.2011, 20:27
Re: Market System - by FireCat - 20.07.2011, 20:31
Re: Market System - by yourcrys - 20.07.2011, 20:45
Re: Market System - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 20.07.2011, 21:13
Re: Market System - by Zh3r0 - 20.07.2011, 21:19

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