
Im trying to create a V.I.P FS with levels like admin..
And comands.. Like: /veh [vehicle] [color1] [color 2] If V.I.P level < 5
With 10 rank V.I.P..
And when someone tipes /Vip it apears :

[id]--------------Rank: [x]
[id]--------------Rank: [x]

So basic it's a Admin FS but for VIP's where they can creat some cars and have some special permissons..

But how can I do it? What do I need and How to use it? The rest I can make..

Messages In This Thread
[QUESTION] Levels - by Crusher_Men - 19.07.2011, 08:38
Re: [QUESTION] Levels - by ћNJ - 19.07.2011, 08:45
Re: [QUESTION] Levels - by Crusher_Men - 19.07.2011, 09:09

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