Originally Posted by grand.Theft.Otto
pawn Код:
// top of script
new kicktimer;
// OnPlayerConnect
kicktimer = SetTimerEx("LoginKick",120000,false,"i",playerid); // 120,000 sec = 2 minutes
// bottom of script
forward LoginKick(playerid); public LoginKick(playerid) { // add your login/register variables and levels etc here I guess... // for example: if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] != 1) // if they are not logged in { Kick(playerid); SendCllientMessage(playerid,color,"You Have Been Automatically Kicked. Reason: Failed To Log-In On Time."); KillTimer(kicktimer); // whatever messages u want // add whatever else } }
Should work, you get the idea?
Testing it now, thanks. But it only says Server closed connection for the person. Any other ideas?