Two minor str questions.

Returns The number of characters before the sub string (the sub string's start position) or -1 if it's not found.
Pretty much strfind returns -1 if the string isn't found. For the second question, you cannot do that because the size of ivalue is different to the string. With string, it would return this:

pawn Код:
string[0] = "2";
string[1] = "5"
string[2] = "0"
wheras iValue would return

pawn Код:
iValue = 250;
One is a integer, one is a string, they cannot be set like that.

Messages In This Thread
Two minor str questions. - by ||123|| - 18.07.2011, 12:26
Re: Two minor str questions. - by Mauzen - 18.07.2011, 12:32
Re: Two minor str questions. - by [HiC]TheKiller - 18.07.2011, 12:34
Re: Two minor str questions. - by ||123|| - 18.07.2011, 12:36

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