(HELP) Read file from scriptfiles folder

You must be having a player database folder using dini or sql

Just open the player file, eg:
When a player logs in, you open his file and update his ingame stats like
PlayerInfo[playerid][Kills] = dini_Int(file,"Kills");
Then when you want to check if he has a licence or is he having the required amount of kills like in this example, you do a simple check:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Kills] >= 200)
//do something
It would be helpful to know what you are using to save player stats.

Messages In This Thread
(HELP) Read file from scriptfiles folder - by spaty2 - 13.07.2011, 21:17
Re: (HELP) Read file from scriptfiles folder - by DJDhan - 14.07.2011, 00:44
Re: (HELP) Read file from scriptfiles folder - by spaty2 - 14.07.2011, 08:20

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