13.07.2011, 11:09
Seems to me like its copied and pasted some aspects of a GodFather script or a GF Edit? "/buyhouse" for example is used in almost EVERY GF-Edit? Register/login system = Nearly all GF Edits have it.? And the /ah command for administrator commands, all GF edits have it too? - Only thing making this nice and unique is Borrowing from bank and a few others, Sorry dude 3/10
About house/car system, i've mentioned in the description that it isn't mine.....
To all the noobs there: Read teh description.... It explains all, and will answer many of your questions.
I am tired of repeating all things 30 times. LEARN TO READ.
Thanks to the ones that like it, and sorry for listening the last mentioned words, but they are really needes to open some guys eyes.