VIP commands with LuxAdmin?(i NEED A GOOD SCRIPTER)

Hi all, i need someon who can give me a VIP code for all the commands:
Silver VIP:
/VIPHEAL(it send to all players "X used the Silver Pack and heal him self !")+heal the player
/VIPARMOUR(it send to all players"X used the Silver Pack and get an armour!") + give armour to the player
/SilverGun it give the player : Deagle(200ammo)-SMG(300Ammo)-shotgun(150ammo)(to all players"X spawns Silver Guns")+give the weapons
/Vsay he cans talk with the players as a VIP

Gold VIP:
/Goldgun it give to the player the weapons : Tec-9(100ammo)+Deagle(300)+Sniper(400ammo)
/GoldSpawn he can spawn the cars as : Bullet+NRG500
/GoldKick he can kick a player

Platinum VIP:
/VIPWeapons he can see al the weapons and can choose what he want without paying.
/Minigun he can have a minigun (1000Ammo)
/Vipcars = he can spawn: Cheetah+NRG+Bullet.
/VIPBAN he can ban a player
/vipKick he can kick a player

I know this is a long script, but you can give me any code of any part, PLEASE HELP

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