What do YOU want to see?

You could make a nice Los Santos Pershing Square mapping and a better fountain etc? My server has that

Messages In This Thread
What do YOU want to see? - by City of Santos: Roleplay - 11.07.2011, 11:11
Re: What do YOU want to see? - by Macluawn - 11.07.2011, 11:17
Re: What do YOU want to see? - by Calgon - 11.07.2011, 11:19
Re: What do YOU want to see? - by =WoR=Varth - 12.07.2011, 01:41
Re: What do YOU want to see? - by Steven82 - 12.07.2011, 07:47
Re: What do YOU want to see? - by PhoenixB - 12.07.2011, 16:37

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