[HELP] Help Command .

PHP код:
public XaPMutePlayer(playeridtimereason// Credit To XaP Admin Mod ! 

IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return 1;
string[256],ActionName[24]; GetPlayerName(playerid,ActionName,24); 
AccInfo[playerid][Muted] = 1
nTime time;
time == 1)
format(string256"The player %s has been muted for %d second.(Reason: %s)"ActionNamenTimereason);
    else if(
time <= 59 && >= 2)
format(string256"The player %s has been muted for %d seconds.(Reason: %s)"ActionNamenTimereason);
    else if(
time >= 60)
format(string256"The player %s has been muted for %d seconds.(Reason: %s)"ActionNamenTimereason);
TimerUnMute[playerid] = SetTimerEx("UnMutePlayer", (time*1000), 0"d"playerid); 

give that a try, its not built the same way as you did, but it should work.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Help Command . - by TeRmi[N]aTor - 11.07.2011, 19:48
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by Roko_foko - 11.07.2011, 19:58
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by TeRmi[N]aTor - 11.07.2011, 20:00
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by Roko_foko - 11.07.2011, 20:00
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by Hipflop - 11.07.2011, 20:02
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by beauhobbs - 11.07.2011, 20:05
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by TeRmi[N]aTor - 11.07.2011, 20:08
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by beauhobbs - 11.07.2011, 20:23
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by Roko_foko - 11.07.2011, 21:05
Re: [HELP] Help Command . - by TeRmi[N]aTor - 11.07.2011, 21:12

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